By the time you read this, I will probably be failing the GRE or about to fail it. No, there is no need for tears… at least yours. The least you can do is commiserate with me as I wonder why we mathematically inept folks must suffer math
Read MoreI hate watching Kenyan news. Not because it’s highly politicized, slightly problematic and just a little bit confusing. Those things actually make me like it a little bit more. I hate Kenyan news because it throws off my posting schedule.
Read MoreGoing home for the summer holiday is always an experience. If I haven’t mentioned it enough times I’m an international student in the former democracy, America.
Read MoreI don't think there is anyone in the world that can make me as mad as Kenyans do. I mean my family does, but they're Kenyans and this leads me to conclude that as a people we're just a nuisance.
Read MoreThis past weekend I was feeling very meh. I didn't feel like doing much or being around most people. It felt like I had just come from running an emotional marathon and I just needed to sit and chill. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was that made me feel particularly meh until I was on youtube and clicked on a vlog of someone traveling to Kenya. Turns out I had already watched it.
Read MoreI have had enough of Nigeria and Nigerians.
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